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The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Info for Xbox
Developer: Bethesda Softworks
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Genre: RPG
Players: 1
Release Date: 06/06/2002
System: Xbox
Xbox Live: No
ESRB: (T) for Teen
See it on:
· PC/Windows
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The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind for Xbox Box Art
Game Description:
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind is an epic, open-ended single-player game where you create and play any kind of character you can imagine. Be the noble hero embarking on an epic quest or an insidious thief rising to leadership of his guild. Be a malevolent sorcerer developing the ultimate spell of destruction or a reverent healer searching for the cure to a plague. Your actions define your character, and your gameplay changes and evolves in response to your actions. Confront the assassins' guild, and they take out a contract on you. Impress them, and they try to recruit you instead. No two sagas are the same in the world of Morrowind.

Players can choose to follow the intriguing main storyline, or set off to explore the huge province of Morrowind and the many interesting people and exotic locations it contains. Vast cities and remote villages dot the landscape, each with its own unique look and feel. Hundreds of quests and adventures await as you interact with characters and learn more. Regardless of whether you play a murdering assassin or a noble knight, the game holds endless possibilities and allows you to revisit the main storyline at any time.

With Morrowind, the unparalleled Elder Scrolls character system is coupled with an exponential increase in the world's richness of detail and level of visual splendor. Utilizing the latest in 3D technology, Morrowind features hyper-realistic textures and polygon counts, real-time shadows, vast landscapes, skeletal based animation, and a complete weather system.

Gameplay is further extended with the inclusion of The Elder Scrolls Construction Set, which is included with the game. This powerful tool is being used to create the entire game, and will also allow players to modify and add to Morrowind in any way they see fit. Change character or creature attributes and skills, introduce new weapons or dungeons into the game, or create entire new worlds to explore. You'll be amazed how simple it is to use, and astounded by how much bigger it makes an already immense game universe. Players can easily swap files and add or delete them from their game with the click of a mouse, ensuring that no file can ever damage your game or change it permanently.

Key Features:
  1. Open-ended world allows you to follow the main plot from beginning to end, wander off in search of adventure in any way you see fit, or any combination of both.
  2. The Elder Scrolls Construction Set ships with the game and allows you to create and import plug-ins that extend gameplay almost indefinitely with new items, characters, dungeons, and areas to explore.
  3. Stunning visuals with full day and night lighting effects, realistic weather effects, fantastic spell effects, and incredibly detailed creatures, characters, and landscape.
  4. Customizable interface allows information windows to be hidden, resized, and manipulated with simple drag-and-drop functionality.
  5. World is centered around you. All the other characters change their perception of you based on your actions, allowing you to experience the world as an evil character or noble do-gooder with realistic repercussions and results.
  6. Balanced gameplay ensures that thief, magic user, and fighter classes enjoy equal benefits and status in the world and that no one class enjoys an unfair advantage over any other.
  7. Hundreds of locations to explore in the wilderness, including caves, ruins, dungeons, and more.
  8. Unique spell system allows you to combine any spell effects you've learned and fine tune their power, range, effect, and more, to allow for an infinite number of spells.

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