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WarioWare Inc.: Mega MicroGame$ Review for Game Boy Advance (GBA)
Posted on Monday, December 22, 2003 @ 03:58:15 am E.S.T

First off, let's get one thing straight: This game makes no sense, it's absolutely pointless, there's no plot, but it is the most fun and addicting game you will ever play on a handheld.

Nintendo is known for their remarkable classics that bring so many fans back for more, and no doubt, Wario Ware will become one of those classics. The game starts you off with not a clue in the world to what you're doing. It's comprised of many, many different four-second mini games that have you do anything from picking your nose, to defeating Mother Brain, meaning you will take notice that the game combines elements from just about every game genre, so there will always be something for everyone who plays. The truth is, there is probably no one on earth who can pick up this game and not have fun with it.

Wario Ware is comprised of over 200 mini-games, with 15 various games and such to unlock. It also features highly addictive two player games on one GBA! The gameplay consists of extremely easy button assignments that anybody can get used to. When you first start the game, you'll be in story mode (if that's what you'd like to call it). This is where you'll face off against Wario and his friend's mini-games. Each character on Wario's crew has a different style of game and are very unique in their own way.

The way the game is played is that you are constantly completing approximately four-second mini-games, one after another until you either beat a mini-boss, or lose all four of your lives. When you complete a boss in story mode, you are able to then move onto the next character to see what challenges await. One of the best things about this, is once you play through a character, you'll still have more than 2/3rds of his or her mini-games left to unlock, so you'll always stay busy.

Once you complete a character's boss stage, you are able to replay that character's stage to go for record scores that will unlock different modes and games, or just for fun. The game's concept itself isn't too hard to grasp, although you will find a few mini-games that are very difficult and frustrating, but the intense fun and freakishly addicting gameplay will keep you going. Possibly the best part of this game is the first time you watch your hardcore First-Person-Shooter friend try it out and get completely addicted.

Unlocking new games and modes is one of the key aspects of this game. By replaying various characters' stages and getting high scores, you'll unlock full versions of different games such as Doctor Wario, Pyoro, and even games that two different people can play using one Game Boy. An example of one would be a Hurdle game, where each player mans either the L or the R button and tries to jump hurdles and swim through mud for the fastest time.

Graphically, the game has it perfectly nailed down. There are some mini games where all you'll see are black and white images, whereas there are others that take advantage of the GBA hardware and produce stunning visuals for a handheld, like the F-Zero micro-game or the Flying Super-Hero game. No matter how you look at it though, you'll be happy with what you have on screen.

The sound is truly amazing. Though most of the music is only cheap 16-bit quality sound, every sound and song is perfectly synched up with what you're seeing on-screen, so you'll be enticed to pay more attention to it. There are even some songs that feature actual Japanese singing with lyrics you can decipher. A good bit of the music is also influenced by the type of mini-game you're playing, such as the Mario theme in the Mario Bros. micro-game, or the F-Zero music when you're racing down Mute City.

This is a pick-up-and-put-down game, meaning you'll be able to take your GBA out, play for three minutes, then put it away. Although, many times you're more likely to pick it up and put it down three hours later. Wario Ware will always have you coming back for more, and it'll make you want to keep your GBA in your pocket at all times. Unlocking 99% of the game won't take you an absurdly long time, but the last game you unlock, Pyoro II (which is almost an exact clone of Pyoro), will have you win medals for all 200+ mini-games. To win a medal, you must beat the each stage 10-30 times consecutively.

Overall, this is a must buy for absolutely anyone, and a good reason to get a GBA if you don't already have one. Older gamers will especially appreciate the NES micro-games, like Zelda or Metroid. When you first get your hands on the game, you'll constantly be wondering, "what the heck?", but after a few minutes of gameplay you will become completely addicted to this game. Wario Ware is a one-in-a-million game with the innovative style Nintendo is known for, and should not be passed up by any gamer of any sort.

Review By: Dacvak - 978 Reads

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