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Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance Cheat Codes for Xbox
Posted on Sunday, September 28, 2003

Control intermission sequences:
Much like the Codec transmissions, you can also press L or R to zoom in during an intermission. The harder you press, the more the zoom. You will hear a gunshot. While holding the button, use the Right Analog-stick to move the view. Also during certain parts of some intermissions are sections where it looks like you are viewing the scene through a camera or binoculars. You can use the zoom feature with these as well, and the onscreen distance or zoom indicators will increase realistically the more you zoom in. This also can be done at the beginning of the game, before pressing Start.

Control title screen:
Press White to hear a gunshot and see a flash at the title screen. Use the Right Analog-stick at the title screen to change the background color.

Control Codec sequences:
Press the L or R to move the faces. Press L for a negative response such as "No way" or "Why don't you do it?". Press R for positive responses. The responses change depending on who you are talking to. You will also hear who they really feel about their women.

Press Y to fast forward a Codec transmission.

In-game reset:
Hold L + R and press Start + Select during game play.

Digital camera:
Successfully complete the game. The digital camera will be available when a new game is started.

The digital camera is locate in Strut E Shell 1. Go to the bottom of the screen and locate the platform with three red lights on it. Climb up onto it and equip the Z.O.E. Box. When the conveyor stops, press Action to climb on. You will be taken to another room. Press Action again to get off and retrieve the Digital Camera. Exit the room in the same fashion.

Stealth, Bandanna and Wig bonuses:
Complete the following goals to get the Stealth (invisibility), Bandanna (unlimited ammo for Snake), and the Wig (unlimited ammunition for Raiden). To get Stealth and Bandanna, complete the Tanker mission three times on three different difficulty settings (all on the same saved file) and get 120 dog tags (40 on each difficulty; you can miss some because there are 42 on very easy, 43 on easy, and 48 on normal). To get Stealth and Wig, complete the plant three times on three different difficulty settings (all on the same save file) and get all the dog tags.

Successfully collect 170 dogtags and the Orange Wig will be unlocked for the Plant chapter. The Orange Wig gives you unlimited grip.

Alternately, successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting with no rations. If done with Snake, the Bandana will be unlocked. If done with Raiden, the Wig will be unlocked.

Costume and weapon bonuses:
Complete all of the Snake Tales twice. Complete 100% of all VR missions. Then, complete the entire game under any difficulty setting. Start a new game with the save file that was completed. You should now have access to Snake's Tuxedo and Metal Gear Solid costumes in the items list. The M4 and AK7 rifle will also be placed somewhere within the Tanker.

After completing the game two times, Snake and Raiden will be wearing sunglasses.

The second time you play the game, Raiden will not only wear sunglasses but when you pull out the SOCOM or any other gun, he will be wearing a watch on his left hand in first person view.

European Extreme difficulty:
Successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting.

Boss survival mode:
Successfully complete Sons Of Liberty under any difficulty setting.

Photograph mode:
Successfully complete bomb disposal mode, hold up mode (alternative missions), and eliminate mode to unlock photograph mode in the VR Missions.

Casting theater option:
Successfully complete Sons Of Liberty under any difficulty setting.

Ninja Raiden:
Successfully complete 50% of the VR missions as Raiden to unlock Ninja Raiden in the VR Missions.

Raiden X:
Successfully complete 100% of the VR missions as Raiden and Ninja Raiden.

Successfully complete 50% of the VR missions as Snake.

Tuxedo Snake:
Successfully complete 100% of the VR missions as Pliskin.

Metal Gear Solid 1 Snake:
Successfully complete 100% of the VR missions as Snake, Pliskin, Tuxedo Snake, Raiden, Ninja Raiden, and Raiden X.

Alternate ending sequence:
Successfully complete a Snake Tale to unlock the M9. Begin game play and use M9 to stun the Bosses instead of killing them to view an alternate ending sequence.

Hint: Plant chapter: Angry Rose:
When you are covering E.E. with the sniper rifle, shot a lot of birds. They will contact you on the CODEC. The next time you try to save, Rose will get mad at you.

Hint: Plant chapter: Emma comments:
When you are sniping the guards to get Emma across the oil fence, get Snake to snipe for you. Use the directional microphone to listen to Emma talk to herself. She says things about how she thinks Raiden is cute.

Hint: Plant chapter: Shaver:
You can get the shaver in the Plant chapter only under the extreme difficulty setting. You will give it to Snake later, who will shave his beard near the end of the game.

Hint: Plant chapter: Waking the President:
In the Plant chapter in the Extreme and European Extreme modes, you have to wake up the President. To do this, throw a stun grenade at the wall directly in front of the elevator. When he wakes up, go to the wall and put your back against it. Then, find a location where there are no crates and keep knocking. When he gets there, run to the place where you have to shoot out the Nikita. That will distract him and move him from the electric box.

Hint: Plant chapter: Bird talk:
Go to B2 of the Shell 1 Core. Eliminate all guards and find the caged parrot. You can teach it to say "You must be Ames" by pointing the Directional Mic at it and pressing Action several times. Firing different weapons at the bird will also cause it to say new things. For example, Coolant Spray will cause the bird to say "This sucks".

Hint: Tanker chapter: Marines in boxer shorts:
You can make the Marines in the Tanker chapter appear in their underwear in the room where Metal Gear is being held. Press White two or three times when start at the title screen then select the normal difficulty setting. When you get to where you have to take pictures of Metal Gear, the nearby marines will not be wearing their pants.

Hint: Tanker chapter: Confuse the Marines:
In any one of the holds, sneak up behind one of the Marines on the corner of the group. Keep pressing B (punch) until he flips forward. He will then hit two or more Marines, and this will begin a chain reaction of Marine-flips. In the end, more than half of the marines will end up looking around with question marks over their heads, wondering what just happened. Wait a few seconds and they will return to their ranks. You can do it again. Note: Having the stealth makes this a lot easier, as they cannot see you when they get up and start looking around.

Hint: Tanker chapter: USP Suppresser:
After completing the game once and saving it, start a new game with the saved data. On the Navigation Deck after the battle with Olga, go up the ladder to where you would normally get the Thermal Goggles. On the middle platform, before the goggles, should be a USP Suppresser on the left. You can now equip the USP with it and muzzle the gunfire for the rest of the Tanker chapter.

After you complete the Tanker chapter three or four times, you can find the USP Suppresser on the navigational deck after you defeat Olga. It is located on the second floor on the lookout, near where the thermal goggles are found.

Hint: Tanker chapter: Secret passage:
In the Holds 2 room, go all the way to the left to find a hatch. Open it, and you will climb down into a small area. Crouch and go through the vent on the ground. You will eventually see a gun clip fall through and a man will start talking. His shadow will be on the ground. Wait there until his shadow leaves, then move through the area. After you get past that, you will reach an opening and an intermission sequence will begin. After it ends, crawl through a vent on the right side of the small room. After you crawl through, you will find a ladder. Climb up the ladder, and it will lead you to a small perch. Look down at the bottom of Metal Gear RAY, and you will see Ocelot standing there. He will then go away. You can keep doing this and experiment with things to do with Ocelot.

Hint: Tanker chapter: Vulcan Raven action figure:
Immediately when you enter the engine room, there is a small Vulcan Raven figure standing on the ground with a flashlight shining on it. If you shoot it, it will start shooting very small balls around and will repeatedly say "Raven!", or something similar.

Hint: Tanker chapter: Easter Island head:
When you are in the room with Emma's parrot, crawl around underneath the computers and electronics. You can find a small statue of a Easter Island head.

Hint: Tanker: Hidden intermission sequence:
In the second room with all the Marines before the Metal Gear room are two projectors and two screens. Approach the first projector. Then, press Y(7).

Hint: Defeating the MG-RAY Boss:
Note: This can be done under the hard or extreme difficulty settings. When the battle starts, immediately shoot the middle RAY unit in the hand then its mouth. Before the missile hits its head, quickly take aim at the right one's knee and start tapping X. Also shoot its head. Once again, before the missile hits, quickly aim over to the far left RAY's knee and start tapping X. Repeat this for the center RAY, then the right again, then the left again. You should be able to keep doing this until all of their life bars are below half. Eventually, one of them will start firing missiles at you and the others will follow. They will keep firing until you manage to squeeze a shot in on one. The best time to do this is when one of them opens up with its machine gun (or whenever you think you have the time). When one of them jumps onto the platform, stay close, but far away enough that you cannot be stepped on. The exact center of the arena is recommended. The RAY on the platform will rear its head back and shoot its laser at you. When it rears its head back, immediately roll to the left or right. It should miss if done correctly. You will have a good five seconds to hit it in the knee and then the mouth (or just the mouth if you are quick enough, since it is already open). Keep doing this, but make sure you do not get close enough for it to step on you. Once again, the exact center of the arena gives just about the right distance. Also, the RAY may also periodically pause to do its Godzilla-like roar. When it does this, you will have a good opportunity to get off a knee and mouth combo on it. Keep doing this for each RAY that jumps up onto the platform.

Hint: Defeating Solidus:
In the final battle with Solidus, before he sheds the tentacles from his suit, you can run off the side of the building and hang on the ledge. Solidus will come over and say "What are you doing?" and go for an overhead double sword strike. When he does this, press the button to climb back up and Solidus's attack will go through you, giving you a free shot at him. This can also be done to avoid his homing missiles, but you have to climb back up at just the right time to avoid all four.

Hint: Avoiding alert mode:
When a patrolling guard sees you, run into a room where the screen goes black and tells you where you are. The game will not go into alert mode, evasion mode, or caution mode.

Hint: Easy radio shots:
To knock out an enemy's radio easily, when you hold them up shoot it (on the belt to the right of their back). Also shoot an enemy's radio when they are knocked out to prevent them from calling for help if they wake up.

If you shoot at an enemy's radio when he is calling for backup, it will be destroyed and you will have a better chance to kill him. This also works if you throw a Chaff Grenade at a enemy's radio.

Hint: Easier Pull-ups:
Instead of doing half an hour of pull-ups, go to a place with two rails at the top and bottom, evenly lined up. Then, do the hang-drop-catch ten or twenty times to get a fast level 2 and 3 grip.

Hint: Automatic rations:
Equip a ration icon. When your life reaches zero, the ration will automatically restore part of your life so you do not have to.

Hint: Deactivating C4 bombs:
When deactivating the "Baby C4 bombs", the last one for the very easy and easy difficulty settings is under the submarine hanging from the ceiling in the bottom of Strut A Shell 1, where you started out as Raiden. The one on the hard difficulty settings always move around the room, usually in the caged area under the stairs or behind the computer controls.

Hint: Collecting claymore mines:
Get near claymore mines, then get into a prone position over them. The claymores will be placed into your inventory

Hint: Coolant defense:
When you are bombarded by guards, do not immediately shoot them. Take out the Coolant spray that Stillman gave you at the start of the game. Spray the Coolant at them and they will protect their faces. While they are doing that. Use the opportunity to shoot the guards and run.

Hint: Bug splatter:
In the Shell 2, B1 after retrieving Emma, go to the elevator. Plant a C4 in the middle of the bugs crawling around on the floor. Walk a short distance away and enter first person view. Detonate the C4. If done correctly, bugs should splatter all over Raiden's face.

Hint: Exploding poster:
When walking through the engine room, you will eventually find yourself underneath a Russian guard that is standing on a ledge hanging above you. If you watch his pattern, you will notice that he is using binoculars to look at the wall. Look around the wall behind you. You will notice that he is looking at another one of the pictures of the Japanese girls. While he is looking at it, shoot it with one of your weapons (preferably the silenced USP if available). When you shoot it, it explodes. Note: Doing this sends you into alert mode; be prepared for the backups.

Hint: Kissing poster:
When playing as Raiden in the big shell, find the Shell One mess hall. Enter the men's restroom. There will be a girlie poster on door of the stall on the left. Get in that stall and close the door. Enter first person mode and zoom in on the poster. Raiden will make a kissing noise.

Hint: Masked Snake:
When Emma is crossing the oil fence, look with your PSG-1 sniper rifle. Snake will have a green mask on his face.

Hint: Emma and Snake's funny comments:
When Emma is walking on the oil fence and Snake is in his sniper position, take your Directional Mic and point it at both of them.

Hint: Collecting dog tags:
Use this trick to collect dog tags from nearly all guards. The only drawback is that it may take some time, depending on where you are in the mission; knocking out all other nearby guards before starting and targeting reporting guards last is recommended. If you cannot get close enough to a guard to demand his dog tags without being spotted, begin by tranquilizing him from a distance. Run to where he falls. Pick him up from the shoulders to make sure he is facing up. Position yourself so that you are standing in line with his head (but not literally on top of him). Also, make sure that when he stands up there is enough room in front of him that you can run around and demand his dog tags. When he starts to get up, equip you M9. The moment he reaches a standing position, hold him up. The guard will not have time to turn around and see your character. To wake up guards faster, use either the Coolant Spray technique outlined elsewhere or prop the guard against a wall (feet first, preferably), enter first person view, and punch at the highest part of his body. Both ways will get them up faster, but make sure you are in a good position to hold them up in case they wake up faster than expected. This technique also works well to salvage failed attempts (i.e. you were spotted, panicked, and tranquilized him, which is a good reason never to have your USP or Socom equipped when first holding someone up as you do not risk panicking and killing the guard by accident.)

Hint: Get Hideo Kojima's dog tag:
Play the game on extreme mode. When you meet Snake in Arsenal Gear Ascending Colon to get your things back, knock him out. Unequip your weapon, drag him, and he will drop Hideo Kojima's dog tag.

Hint: Get Hideo Kojima's picture:
In the Tanker chapter in Hold No. 2 where the Marines are located, take a picture of the right screen with the camera that Snake uses to photograph RAY. A face will flash on the screen when you take the picture. If you upload the photo for Otacon's viewing, he will be scared. The face is Hideo Kojima, the creator of the Metal Gear series.

Hint: Single punch knockout:
To knock out an enemy with a single punch, sneak up behind them. You can also hold them up if desired. Get as close as you can without touching them, then click the Left Analog-stick to enter first person view. Then, press A to crouch (not prone), aim for their groin, and punch. They will go down in one hit. This technique is useful because it does not make as much sound as a three or four hit combo.

Hint: Hold up mode:
Aim anywhere at the enemy and he will raise his arms and make a shocked sound. Click the Left Analog-stick to enter first person view and aim at his head. A guard will not hear you if you are in hold up mode. If you shoot twice, a guard nearby is more likely to hear you.

Hint: Wake up a guard in sneaking mode:
While Ninja Raiden is in sneaking mode, walk up to a unconscious guard and click Left Analog-stick to enter first person view. Click and hold Right Analog-stick to send a thrust (stab) into the enemy's head. This will wake him up. Kill the guard and hide his body so the other soldiers will not find it.

While Raiden is in sneaking mode, walk up to a unconscious guard and click Left Analog-stick to enter first person view. Aim at the enemy's head, then keep punching him. This will wake him up. Kill the guard or he will call for back up. Hide his body so the other soldiers will not find it.

Hint: Panicked guard:
Go to an area where there is only one soldier (such as the Strut E heliport). Shoot the soldier with the tranquilizer. Next, shoot him with the SOCOM gun in the arm. Take out your tranquilizer and shoot his radio so he cannot use it. Wake him up by spraying him with Coolant. When he wakes up, run and hide somewhere for a few seconds. After that, run in front of him. He will be alerted and try to radio in. After two attempts to radio in, he will run to find another comrade to help.

Hold up a guard. Afterwards, shoot him in the arm, the leg, then his radio. Stand in front of him and disarm you weapon. He will attempt to call for help, then helplessly limp away.

Hint: Knock out guard with cigarette:
Have Snake or Raiden put a cigarette in his mouth. Then, hold up an enemy and move as close as possible to him. He will start to cough. After he coughs about four or five times, he will fall and become stunned.

Hint: Bird droppings:
Complete the Tanker chapter with Snake. After that, get to the roof with Raiden. You will see a group of birds. Shoot one with the M9. The rest of the birds will fly around. If you see one go directly above your head, it should send some droppings on you. You have to be in first person view. The bird droppings will also come off the screen when you go back to third person view.

Hint: More air and grip:
To make your O2 or GRIP gauge decrease slower, make sure you have full health. Use Rations to restore your health if needed.

Hint: Quick Elimination missions:
When in Elimination missions for Snake, Raiden, or anyone with a gun, sneak up behind the enemy and hold. Your character will yell "Freeze". Click the Left Analog-stick to enter person view. Aim for his head to take him out. This will save bullets. If you aim for the head with a M9 to knock out a enemy, quickly shoot the head and he will fall asleep. It will count as killing him.

Hint: Codec comments:
When playing as Raiden in the Plant chapter, go into strut C after the intermission sequence where Vamp kills the SEALS. Go into the women's bathroom, open a stall, then go into first person view. Look at the toilet. This may require a few times attempts. Call the colonel and he and Rose will be mad at you and Rose will not let you save the game. You can also go into the men's bathroom and call the colonel when looking at the urinal and he will excuse Rose.

When on the Plant chapter, after getting the Stinger Missiles find an area where there are seagulls . Lock on one of them and fire a missile. The colonel and Rose will call you on the Codec with a funny message.

When playing as Snake in the Tanker chapter, knock out an enemy then take a picture of him sleeping. This also works when you are being chased by the big heavy people with shotguns and take a picture of them. After you have the picture and put them into the computer, Otacon will say that this is not a game.

Hint: Snake Tales: Skip text faster:
Whenever you play a Snake Tale, there will be text instead of intermission sequences. When this happens, you can skip the text faster by holding Y. When the pages reach the end, press A to end the text sequence.

Hint: VR Missions: Save time:
When you are using Ninja and HF Blade, do a vertical slash and hold the Right Analog-stick in position and do not allow it to re-center. This puts your sword in a samurai stance, or Raiden will hold it up. When in this stance, you can completely run on stairs, instead of slowly tiptoeing up, which saves a little bit of time.

Hint: Snake Tales (External Gazer): Get taken away by Gurlugon:
On Raiden's seventh variety mission in VR mode, when you fight Gurlugon, equip the enemy uniform and the AK and let Gurlugon attack you. He will stop the attack and fall in love with you. He picks you up and leaves with Raiden, and Raiden tries to get free. Note: This counts as a mission failure, but is funny to watch.

Hint: Snake Tales (External Gazer): Gurlugon kills himself:
When playing through Raiden's variety VR missions and you reach Gurlugon, hide behind the tall box on the left closest to Gurlugon. When the box is destroyed, a magazine appears. Gurlugon will go crazy and ends up killing himself. This counts as a success in the VR mission.

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