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The Simpsons: Hit & Run Cheat Codes for GameCube
Posted on Monday, May 24, 2004

Different Camera: At the main menu (the livingroom), go to the options screen. Hold down L+R, then press B, B, B, A to activate the cheat. A horn will confirm entry.

Faster Cars: At the main menu (the livingroom), go to the options screen. Hold down L+R, then press X, X, X, X to activate the cheat. A horn will confirm entry.

Grid View: At the main menu (the livingroom), go to the options screen. Hold down L+R, then press B, A, B, Y to activate the cheat. A horn will confirm entry.

Faster Money Collection: Whenever possible, drive through crates and phone booths rather than kicking them, as you won't have to waste time running around and picking up your loot.

Much Faster Cars: At the main menu (the livingroom), go to the options screen. Hold down L+R, then press Y, Y, Y, Y to activate the cheat. A horn will confirm entry.

One-Hit Wrecks: At the main menu (the livingroom), go to the options screen. Hold down L+R, then press Y, Y, X, X to activate the cheat. A horn will confirm entry.

Pressing Horn Button Jumps: At the main menu (the livingroom), go to the options screen. Hold down L+R, then press X, X, X, Y to activate the cheat. A horn will confirm entry.

Show Speedometer: At the main menu (the livingroom), go to the options screen. Hold down L+R, then press Y, Y, B, X to activate the cheat. A horn will confirm entry.

Trippy View: At the main menu (the livingroom), go to the options screen. Hold down L+R, then press Y, B, Y, B to activate the cheat. A horn will confirm entry.

Bonus Cars: For this cheat to work, you must complete the entire game. You can't skip missions. Go to the options menu, hold L and R, and then press A, B, A, B. Now resume the completed game. Go to a phone booth at the car selection screen and press L or R to chooose your new car.

Itchy and Scratchy Cartoon: Collect all the cards in every level of the game to unlock an episode of Itchy & Scratchy made exclusivly for the game.

Multi-Player Mini Game: Collect all the cards in just one level to unlock the multi-player racing mini game.

Unlock Red Brick Car: At the main menu (the livingroom), go to the options screen. Hold down L+R, then press B, B, Y, X to activate the cheat. A horn will confirm entry.

View Credits: At the main menu (the livingroom), go to the options screen. Hold down L+R, then press A, X, X, Y to activate the cheat. A horn will confirm entry.

Easter Egg: Holiday Look: Change your system's internal clock (or play on a holiday) to the dates for Thanksgiving, Halloween and Christmas to experience a different game look.

Drive the Monorail in Bart's First Level: At where the street has a concrete divider, there is a stairway marked with yellow tape in the shape of a "X". Go up it. Then go all the way down. Jump across to get to the monorail.

Mini RC Car: In Homer's last level there is an RC car hidden somewhere in the city. To find it go to the Krusty Burger with the firetrucks next to it. Go to the second firetruck and jump on the ladder and head for the firetruck's roof. There will be a mini RC car and a Bumblebee camera. Destroy it and have fun with your mini RC car.

Skip Missions: This game has a way of letting crappy players off the hook. If you fail a mission 6 times (you must fail it, not restart it), you will have an option of skipping it like a wuss.

Super Speed Boost: Hold the reverse, gas, and the e-break at the same time (L, B, A,) for a while and the tires will begin to flame. When you let go and drive forward you will get a super speed boost.

Unlimited Time in Timed Missions: When you start most timed missions in the game, you will be told to get into your car, then the clock will start. Instead, don't get in your car, but run to the area you need to go, then find a phonebooth or borrow a car. When you get in it, you are pretty much finished, and you are already at the goal with seconds(or minutes) to spare!

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