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Ninja Gaiden Cheat Codes for Xbox
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2005

Cheat: Keep the Original Blue Ninja Costume
Hilight "New Game" and hold down the L + R triggers and press the A. You will hear a scream to confirm entry. You will now keep the original blue costume that Hayabusa starts with beyond the second chapter.

Cheat: Skip Cut-Scenes
You can skip most of the cut-scenes in Ninja Gaiden by pressing START, A, START.

Cheat: Skip escaping the mountain
In the last chapter, if you've already been through escaping once, and been defeated by Dark Murai, go pick up the Dark Dragon Blade, and at the beginning of the FMV, press START, A, START to skip it. Instead of having to escape the caves again, you'll go straight to the fight with Dark Murai.

Unlockable: Dark Dragon Blade
Start a new game with an already completed save file. Visit Muramasa's shop in Chapter 13 to find the blade.

Unlockable: Evil Ryu
Complete the game on Very Hard.

Unlockable: Futuristic Outfit
Complete the game on Normal or Hard difficulty and start a new game while holding L.

Unlockable: Movie Gallery
Beat the game on Normal or Hard to unlock all CG movies.

Unlockable: Music in Sound Test
Complete the game on Normal or Hard difficulty.

Unlock NES Ninja Gaiden:
Collect all 50 Scarabs.

Unlock Ninja Gaiden 2 - Method 1:
Achieve Master Ranking in all chapters of Normal difficulty.

Unlock Ninja Gaiden 2 - Method 2:
After earning Ninja Gaiden 1, head to the Clock Tower Plaza in Tairon (you can do this in successive play, if you want) and aim your arrow at the clock face on the tower. Head through the door to the clock down and get to the opening to find the chest with NG 2 inside.

Unlock Ninja Gaiden 3 - Method 1:
Achieve Master Ranking in all chapters on Hard or Very Hard difficulty.

Unlock Ninja Gaiden 3 - Method 2:
After unlocking Ninja Gaiden 2, when you are in the Peristyle Passage, Mario jump between the first and second columns to the left of the entrance (when facing the entrance). On top of the broken column is NG 3.

Unlockable: Plasma Saber
Beat the game on Normal to unlock a new costume and plasma saber (Luke, you are now a ninja). To use the new costume, hold down the LEFT TRIGGER and select New Game.

Unlockable: Plasma Saber Mk II
When you re-visit the cemetery in Chapter 13, your Plasma Saber is upgraded to the much more powerful (and cool-looking) Mk II.

Unlockable: Very Hard Difficulty
Beat the game once on Normal or Hard.

Hint: Easy Cash
I did this at the Clocktower in Tairon, but I'm sure it should work at any store. Simply go up the set of stairs marked by the blue border, and take care of the three enemies in the stairway. Now, go back down the stairs and return back up to kill the same three guys again. Collect the loot or health and repeat as desired! I found that if you use the Nunchaku, you can score around 30 or 40 hit combos, giving you up to 1,000 cash points at a time!

An easy way to get essence in chapter 15 is to go into the palace compound (first entered after defeating spirit Doku)equiped with your Vigoorian Flails and the Firewheels ninpo. Run to the gate that leads you to the Empirial Stairway. Those really annoying ghost fish will appear. cast your Firewheels ninpo to kill the first few.

While your Firewheels are burning around you, hold Y to charge your Flails. Release the essence charged attack on the nearest fishes. Once all of the fish are dead, simply run back up the path the way you came and then return to the fish area. Keep casting your Firewheels so the fish wont kill you. If you are out of ninpo, one of the fish is bound to drop a red essence when killed. You can get 99,999 essence in about ten to fifteen minutes depending on your efficency.

Hint: In Game Reset
While in game, press and hold START and BACK, and you will be taken back to the main menu. NOTE: All your unsaved progress will be lost.

Hint: Ninja Gaiden I Passwords

  • Act I: L, X, A, Y, A, X

  • Act II: A, X, X, R, Y, A

  • Act III: X, Y, B, R, L, X

  • Act IV: B, R, A, B, Y, Y

  • Act V: X, A, Y, X, L, L

  • Act VI: R, Y, R, L, A, X

  • Hint: Ninja Gaiden II Passwords
  • Act I: A, A, B, X, Y, R

  • Act II: X, L, R, B, B, A

  • Act III: L, Y, B, A, R, R

  • Act IV: A, L, X, Y, Y, B

  • Act V: R, A, A, B, X, L

  • Act VI: Y, L, R, A, Y, R

  • Act VII: B, B, X, Y, A, L

  • Hint: Ninja Gaiden III Passwords
  • Act I: B, Y, R, L, X, A

  • Act II: A, R, R, Y, A, L

  • Act III: L, B, R, Y, L, Y

  • Act IV: R, R, B, A, Y, X

  • Act V: Y, A, B, X, R, X

  • Act VI: B, X, X, A, X, Y

  • Act VII: X, R, X, Y, Y, L

  • Hint: Retain Health with Kitetsu
    While using the Kitetsu sword, equip the Tranquility Bracelet--earned by finding 40 scarabs--to counter the health drain effect of the sword.

    Hint: Run on Water
    Anywhere there is water, simply walk Ryu onto the water and then repeatedly tap the A button to run across the water.

    Easter Egg: Kill Rachel
    This is a neat little thing I found. It turns out that you can kill Rachel when she's hanging above the pyramid before Alma V2, or in the volcano cave before Evil Murai. Just shoot her with an arrow and you'll get a game over.

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